Next Media est un groupe de presse. Son patron: provocateur, innovateur et créatif. Sa stratégie: utiliser l'espace de liberté de la presse: Ils scrutent les informations locales, construisent les Images pour monter un scandale, et monte une animation: 50 histoires par jour fabriquées et lancées sur Youtube, et sur les chaines locales, c'est la course contre la montre. Les rumeurs parlent d`une police locale qui est de mèche avec les médias, modifiants les contenus pour faire monter le scandale sur les chaines TV, pour faire un scoop et faire profiter les différents acteurs.
L'émission TV Suisse "made in Taïwan "
Voir l`émission sur Taïwan
présente Taïwan, et introduit ce business des médias.
Presse Poubelle:
Une "presse poubelle", selon les organisations de presse Taïwanaise, qui ne satisfait pas toujours la politique.
L`info marchandise:
L'information est une marchandise, pour le dirigeant de Next Media, et il utilise la "liberté de la presse" pour construire sa "niche". Toutes marchandises doit effectivement avoir une accroche commerciale pour mieux se vendre, et c`est dans la fabrication de videos qu`on arrive a incruster les bons appâts.
Fabrication d'images:
"Quand l'image n'existe pas, on la fabrique". Quand les personnages-clés ont une histoire sensible, associée à un contexte professionnel, cela peut attirer l'attention, c'est donc une opportunité en or. Les personnalités comme DSK, Berlusconi, François Hollande, mais aussi d`autres qui ont un potentiel médiatique y sont passés...mais cela ne se limite pas aux personnalités de la politique.
À Chaque sujet est accordé 30 minutes chrono pour mettre en images une synthèse "parlé", (car à Taïwan, l'écrit existe peu ou pas)... et assez caricaturiste pour que l'information soit suffisamment choquante, attire l'attention, et crée du plaisir
Ci-dessous: un aperçu des sujets traits, en Anglais: ...À méditer!
Football star and noted "sexter" Brett Favre, who is loosely based on Dennis Quaid's character in Any Given Sunday, was a prime candidate for the Next Media Animation treatment. Has anything ever been so appropriate for NMA's over-the-top visual metaphors as the adventures of Favre and his penis? No. Nothing has. (English Subtitles)
In this video about the uniquely American Sarah Palin phenomenon, you'll see the former Alaska governor jump out of a plane, smoke weed, pole dance and mud wrestle. It's as if she were recreating the nightly lineup of Spike TV!
Justin Bieber has been getting into some trouble lately. This video covers Bieber's alleged assault of a twelve year-old boy at a laser tag arena. All I have to say is, pick on someone your own size, twelve year-old boy. (English Subtitles)
Flight attendant Stephen Slater became the most famous and beloved person in America for about two days this summer when he quit his job in spectacular fashion, sliding down his plane's escape chute with a beer in each hand following a tough shift. Nobody had ever seen anything like it. And you haven't really seen anything like it until you've seen it in half-assed Taiwanese animation.
Next Media covered Conan O'Brien's debut on TBS on November 8th, and the clip was played on his first episode that night. Enjoy the amusing depiction of Conan's fans and his legal wrangling with NBC. This video also confirms that yes, half the people in Taiwan are pandas. (English Subtitles.
Al Gore's wholesome, boring-dad image was sullied over the summer when a Portland masseuse accused him of sexual assaulting her in 2006. No charges were filed, but anyone who saw Gore's 2000 Rolling Stone cover knew he had a naughty side. Because he had a boner. Starring Silvio Berlusconi as Al Gore, apparently.
9. Steve Jobs Loses It Over Confiscated Throwing Stars
It was reported in September that Steve Jobs was not allowed to board a flight in Japan because his carry-on bag contained ninja throwing stars. Apple and Jobs deny this, but after you watch this video you'll kind of hope it actually happened.
Bed Bugs are doubtless a terrifying scourge, especially for those who live in bug-ravaged New York City. But hey, it could be worse. They could be HORRIFYING FIVE-FOOT-TALL MONSTERS like they are in this video! (English Subtitles)
Publisher's Site
11. The Passion of Mel Gibson
Oh, Mel Gibson. What more is there to say? All his recent failures aside, this video is worth is solely for the "recreation" of his 1996 Academy Awards acceptance speech. (English Subtitles)
Publisher's Site
12. Snooki in the News
An international look at the misadventures of Jersey Shore's standout star, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi. It's a little hard to tell what's going on in this video because it isn't subtitled in English. Then again, neither is Jersey Shore and people seem to enjoy watching that.
Publisher's Site
Berl , François Hollande,.....Les sketchs numériques avant la modélisation 3D, pour inventer et construire une histoire.
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